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Sydney Web3
We link technology and funding resource to business use cases in the industry.Our series of meetups are hosting networking and live speaking events on a range of metaverse topics including web3, future of the internet, virtual worlds, NFTs, marketplaces, play-to-earn games and many more.Venture NetworkA community-driven venture network, bootstrapping the crypto economy, empower cryptopreneurs to build and thrive in the crypto ecosystem. more
AUD$ 120 ~ AUD$ 600
Start Time
20/10/2022 (AEST)
0 Students Enrolled
2 lessons
Sydney Web3
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In the next 3 to 5 years, there should be an industry blowout development in the blockchain industry, and the required talents will definitely rise. Every developer should not miss such an opportunity.

There are many technologies involved in the blockchain. After reading some materials, many developers feel as if they understand it, but they don’t seem to understand it.

Since there are many technologies involved in the blockchain, you can have a conceptual understanding of each technology, and then gradually deepen the principle.

Maybe you have watched Chris Dixon's "The Potential of Cryptocurrencies", followed influential accounts on Twitter, learned about their dynamics, learned about reports from investment and research institutions such as a16z, Bankless, The Defiant and Unchained, read "Sovereign Individuals", Books such as "Infinite Machine" and "Crypto Assets", understand cryptocurrency from a philosophical perspective, and watch sci-fi cultural works such as "Avalanche", "Ready Player One", "Dune"; maybe you have watched recent more well-known interview videos, such as EthCC4 conference (Vitalik's talk) and Tim Ferriss interviews with Naval and Vitalik (March 2021), Nick Szabo (August 2017), Chris Dixon (Chris Dixon/Naval: The Miracle of Web3 - Oct 2021) , Balaji (November 2021), Hosseeb's 2022 conversation with Solana, Avalanche, and NEAR's Layer1 founders, and Brian Armstrong's interview with Bankless (November 2021), and more

Maybe you buy some tokens through platforms like Coinbase, FTX, Binance and send to Web3 wallets (like Metamask), stake (like stake.us), exchange (like Uniswap), participate in DeFi (like Compound); find your favorite NFT , get one or two of them through platform transactions such as OpenSea, join the Discord of the NFT community, and participate in the exchange; try to use a cross-chain bridge (such as Synapse or Wormhole) to cross some ETH to a different chain or layer 2 (such as Polygon) .

But when you are learning to understand the concept, there are bound to be a lot of questions. For example, we can often see a sentence: Bitcoin's consensus mechanism is implemented through Proof of Work (POW).

At this time, there is a new question, what kind of result is Bitcoin verifying, and then you need to understand cryptography and Hash.

Our course will walk you through trying to make a project, search and read contracts on Etherscan, mint an NFT; join a DAO and start contributing to a project like the Developer DAO or FWB; try to create something, whether you are or not are technicians. If you feel that you have understood a concept or principle, you can try to implement it. For example, after understanding mining, you can write code to simulate the mining process.

How to systematically learn blockchain technology is a problem for many developers who want to engage in blockchain. If there is a learning environment and a platform for communication, it will better help everyone to make progress together. Therefore, we launched the Web3 public course in simple language, hoping to help more people understand blockchain development technology and participate in actual projects.



也许大家观看了 Chris Dixon的《加密货币的潜力》,关注 Twitter 上有影响力的账号,了解他们的动态,了解 a16z、Bankless、The Defiant 和 Unchained 这些投研机构的报告,阅读《主权个人》、《无限机器》和《加密资产》等书籍,从哲学角度理解加密货币,观看《雪崩》、《头号玩家》、《沙丘》等科幻文化作品;也许大家看了最近的比较知名的采访视频,例如 EthCC4会议(Vitalik的演讲)以及 Tim Ferriss 对 Naval和Vitalik(2021年3月)、Nick Szabo(2017年8月)、Chris Dixon 的采访(Chris Dixon/Naval:Web3的奇迹—)2021年10月)、Balaji(2021年11月)、Hosseeb在 2022 年与 Solana、Avalanche和 NEAR 的 Layer1 创始人的谈话,以及 Brian Armstrong 对 Bankless的采访(2021年11月)等等

也许你通过平台如 Coinbase、FTX、Binance 购买一些 token 并发送到 Web3 钱包(如Metamask),质押(如 stake.us),交换(如 Uniswap),参与了 DeFi(如 Compound);找到你喜欢的 NFT,通过 OpenSea 等平台交易获得其中一两个,加入该 NFT 社区的 Discord,并参与其中交流;尝试使用跨链桥(如Synapse或Wormhole)将一些 ETH 跨到不同的链或二层(如 Polygon )。

但是当你在学习了解概念的时候,必定会产生很多疑问, 例如我们经常可以看到一句: 比特币的共识机制是通过工作量证明(POW)来实现的。


我们的课程会带领大家试着做一个项目,在 Etherscan上搜索并阅读合约,铸造一个NFT;加入一个DAO,开始为像Developer DAO 或 FWB 这样的项目做贡献;试着创造一些东西,不管你是否是技术人员。如果觉得已进理解一个概念或原理时,可以尝试动手实现它,如在理解挖矿后,可以写代码模拟挖矿过程。


Workshop #1 Web 3.0 Foundation

分享者 Guest Lecturer Prof Chen

澳洲科学院区块链科学家,英国IET院士,澳洲新南威尔士大学联合教授,长期从事分布式系统和区块链的研发和教育,国际互联网IETF 跨链标准团队成员

Workshop #2 Defi & NFT

分享者 Nick Qi


Workshop #3 GameFi & DAO

分享者 Cliff Huang


Hackathon Workshops #1

  1. Team forming up

  2. Tips for ideation, design & development

Hackathon Workshops #2

  1. Tips for presentation, demo

  2. Tips for VC Pitching

Networking Meetup


We link technology and funding resource to business use cases in the industry.

Our series of meetups are hosting networking and live speaking events on a range of metaverse topics including web3, future of the internet, virtual worlds, NFTs, marketplaces, play-to-earn games and many more.Venture Network

A community-driven venture network, bootstrapping the crypto economy, empower cryptopreneurs to build and thrive in the crypto ecosystem.

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